Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine - Inaugural Issue

Letters from the Editor

What I believe

I believe the structure of the universe is a good candidate for string theory. Lately there has been a lot of investigation into E8. I'm not even sure I want to try to explain it, but being exceptionally brief it's like an 8-dimensional sphere/object/containerized shape that is rotating and as it turns, it produces the 3–4-dimensional reality that we live in. Maybe I will go deeper into that in a future article but what I really want to talk about is string theory. 

The World as a Wilderness

Have you ever read Genesis 1? And God said, and God said, and God said. God was releasing sound waves on each day of the creation. He is showing us how he did a makeover on the earth. I believe in the gap theory. I think that in between Genesis 1:1 & 1:2 there was a long space of time. In Genesis 1:1 it says in the beginning, God create the heavens and the earth. I believe the earth existed before the 6 days of creation. How do we know this? 

Sound Waves

Isaiah 14:17 is an interesting verse: That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?

Who were the prisoners (were there any prisoners in Noah's flood? maybe a bad guy who stole or got rowdy on Saturday night, or some type of common non-social behavior etc., but this scripture is illuding to something far more serious than your standard rascal - though if you look up the definition of the word rascal - its carries a much heavier meaning then we typical use in modern day parlance (like little rascals...etc.) and the pluralization of prisoners leads me to believe it was more than 3.


When you look at the phrase: "that made the world a wilderness": (Did Noah's flood make the world a wilderness? well, I suppose you could say technically yes, but the script is referring to someone who caused this to happen through his actions, not a judgment from God like Noah's flood was).


What cities were destroyed?  (Were there cities destroyed in Noah's flood? Yes, of course, but I will point you back to a causal action from a being).

A Throne

Let's back track a little bit - In Isaiah 14:13 it says, "For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:


Ok, so there is a lot going on here. This chapter is talking about Lucifer (Isaish 14:12) - in verse 13 it says he had a throne. If you have a throne, you have a lot of power, you have subjects (of some sort), and that throne exists in a given place. So, the prisoners whose house were not opened were probably his subjects - and it sounds like a lot of them, otherwise it would not have been worth mentioning in the scripture.


I will suggest to you that Lucifers throne was on earth between Genesis 1:1 & 1:2. In Genesis 1:2 it says, and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. The word "was" should have been translated "became" if you look back into the Hebrew. Lets go back to Isaiah for a moment: remember the words from verse 14:17 - that made he world as a wilderness, destroyed the cities thereof - this sounds like the prelude to Genesis 1:2 (the last phrase) And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters - the waters? so the whole earth was flooded at this point (referred to as Lucifers flood) because dry land didn't appear until Genesis 1:9.

Recap #1

To recap: The universe & the earth were created in Genesis 1:1 - (in Job it talks about the angels watching this and shouting for joy - kind of makes you wonder exactly where they were standing to get a view of the universe being created - doesn't it? It also gives you an indication that nothing like this had ever happened before, otherwise the angles might not have been excited as they were, it would have been business as usual, good, but we have seen it before. Instead though, they shouted...this was a big deal. Something extraordinary had just come into being that most likely never had before), then Lucifer gets a throne on earth, does fine for a while, and then goes full on haywire. Prisoners are taken (with what appears to be unjust action), the cities of the world at that time are destroyed, the world is made into a wilderness, seemingly some kind of judgment from God must have taken place because God had to once again create light in Genesis 1:3 (this is not the sun) - and in verse 2, the earth is flooded and doesn't have any form and is void. Although a flood, even a global flood creates destruction, but it doesn't necessarily take away the form (other than the power of water moving dirt and such here or there). So what caused the form to get so skewed? I don't know! If there is darkness on the face of the deep, that is good evidence of an ice age (which it also talks about in Job). If there is no light, everything is cold - very cold. Now since there was water in Genesis 1:2 - somewhere along the line the earth must have started thawing out and thus we arrive in Genesis 1:2 with a water world for lack of a better term.

Back to String theory

I believe the trinity (the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost) exist in the 11th dimension. A dimension gives freedom of movement in a particular direction. Now I am not trying to limit God's power by saying he is "confined" by the 11th dimension, I simply don't know enough to have a better place to put him if God could in fact be put, which he can't. Maybe the 11th dimension is inside of him. For now, though, due to a lack of knowledge we will leave the trinity in the 11th dimension for lack of a better place to put them - previous comment notwithstanding.


String theory talks about vibrating "strings" that defines reality by the pattern of vibration. So inside of quarks are very tiny strings. Some are closed loops (not anchored to a membrane), some appear somewhat like a horseshoe that wiggles - an is anchored to a membrane. Whatever shape they take the main emphasis is sound waves. Strings sound a lot like sound waves. We don't have a record of a step-by-step process of how God created the universe, but we do have a record of how he re-created the earth. 

And God Said

In Genesis 1 we here, "And God said, and God said, and God said" showing that his method of creation is via speaking and thus via sound waves.

In the New Testament Gospels Jesus talks about saying to the mountain in Mark 11:23, if you say unto the mountain, be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in your heart but believe that those things which you say come to pass, you will have whatsoever you say. Here we have saying 3 times and a type of a formula. If you say, believe and don't doubt, what you say will come to pass. So here we have an example of Jesus sending out sound waves based on an inner image that was built into his heart, making changes to the natural world by faith. Just image those vibrating string coming into the alignment that he spoke (be healed, according to your faith be it unto you, go and sin no more, fill the jars with water, rise take up your bed and walk, and the list of examples goes on). Job 22:28 thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established. Here we see the same example again.

Recap #2

We have the 11th dimension with the Trinty, a 4 + dimensional universe was added to the 11th dimension. Earth was created for the first time. Lucifer had a throne on earth for a while. Lucifer goes bad and turns into Satan causing mass destruction and takes prisoners. Earth goes through a judgement from God (unnatural darkness and a flood (notice how after Noah's flood God said never again will he destroy the earth by water - no need to say that if you had only done it once)). Between the unnatural darkness and the flood we have a good candidate for the ice age. Then the earth warms up and the earth is completely covered with water and no dry land is present. God creates man, gives them free will, man falls, the rebel angels mix with mankind, plants, and animals and corrupts the whole human race except Noah and his family, Noah builds the ark, flood # 2 destroys the earth again including many of the giants and hybrids which creates demons, somehow there are a remanent of giants that show up again after the flood (there is a few theories of how that happened but we will save that for another article as it would take a lot of ground work to cover), David kills Goliath, Jesus comes out of the line of David and pays for the sins of the world, the church ages lasts for 2 more days (2000 years + change) which is almost over. The rapture happens and those who have made Jesus Lord of their life are taken to heaven for 7 years while the tribulation occurs on earth. A peace treaty is made in the first 3.5 years and then it is broken by the antichrist and well...all hell breaks loose on the earth - literally. The Jewish people suffer a lot and then petition Jesus to return in the 2nd coming. The antichrist and the beast are thrown into the lake of fire. Satan is thrown in a bottomless pit for a 1000 years. Jesus reigns on earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lord's. At the end of the 1000 years Satan is loosed for a short time and tries to deceive the nations again (same story). Satan and those who have not accepted Jesus as Lord are thrown into the Lake of fire. The heavens and earth get recreated. Jesus hands the kingdom back to his Father and eternity beings with God showing his kindness in the ages to come. Well - that's a whole lot!

Jesus is Lord

I know that I do not have my theory 100 % accurate. I have studied the ancient past and the Bible for a long time. Each sentence in recap #2 could have many paragraphs if not pages and pages written about it. Some people don't believe in the gap theory. Some believe in a young earth. Some believe the rapture will happen in the middle or the end of the tribulation and I could go on, and on. The most important thing is that you confess Jesus as Lord of your life and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead - and that you are a doer of the word of God.


I study the very ancient past so that I have a clearer understanding of what was, so that I will better understand what is to come. There are several components left out in recap #2 but I wanted to make sure I had enough information in there to paint at least a partially complete timeline.


The more you know - the more you can do (both in the natural and in the supernatural)! And that's what I believe!

Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine - Inaugural Issue

Letter from the Editor