- A Caravan is represented by camel(s)
- You must own at least 1 hex to have a caravan
- You must own 1 palace per owned hex to purchase a caravan camel
- When you buy additional camels, they can be added to a new caravan (as long as you have a 1:1 ratio of owned hexes palaces to caravans) or to an existing caravan
- Movement of a caravan is performed using the roll of a single yellow die
- When you arrive at a structure that is not yours - the owner must split the next harvest with you
- However, your side of the harvest is multiplied by the number of camels in your caravan
- If you play a knight card, you can send (a) camel(s) to a blank desert
- Your caravan can move over hexes angles that do not have roads
- You can build non-connected roads and structures starting at the front of your caravan - i.e. the first camel
- Camels can travel from Obelisk to Obelisk without costing wheat / distance.
- You must feed your caravan camels 1 wheat resource per camel * the roll of the yellow die to move your caravan
- If you have two camels in your caravan, 2 yellow dice may be rolled, if 3 then 3 yellow dice may be rolled - if you have 4 or more camels, 3 yellow dices is the max that can be rolled
Caravan Camel(s)
Allows you to travel across land that does not have roads constructed
A caravan camel can only move up to 6 hex angles per turn based on the role of the yellow die
10 Points
Increases each structures output by 1 point.
A palace gives a hex a + 6 bonus to resources on the roll of the dice.
6 Points