Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine

Sample Issue

Drawing Techniques

Page #3

Parametric Drawer

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This 3D model is the first piece for an upcoming article of drawing a vanity in a new series that's being started. The title will be announced in the near future. If you want a drawer - you don't want to have to rewrite the formula for every configuration of drawer in your furniture unless there is a really good reason. For this 3D model I took the time to make it parametric so you can see how it is accomplished. This means that you can change the width, height, and depth of the drawer and the entire object will resize dynamically when hitting F6. If you have the control panel showing in the MathCompiler3D application - press F4 to view the 3D and the math at the same time.

Combinations - By changing width, height, and depth you can get many different types with the same formula

2 x .5 x 1

.5 x 1 x 2

3 x .25 x 1

Construction Method

This drawer is built with 6 boxes and 1 torus using the MathCompiler3D application.

There are two boxes with the tops removed one as the inner part of the drawer, and one of the outer part of the drawer.

The top edges of the drawer consists of 4 boxes with the bottom, left, right, front, and back faces removed.

The hand is a torus with a theta stop value set at about 50% of the slices.

The Math

The math below can be found on the control panel node of the project tree

To change the values - (only W,H,D) - click on the green number in W=1, H = .25, D = 2 and change it to the desired value. Then press F6 to dynamically compile the math. Press F4 so that you can see the Math and the 3D at the same time.


When seeing W,H,D as a variable name or on the end of a variable name - then the variable is referring to:

W = Width, SomeVariableNameW = SomeVariableName-Width

H = Height, SomeVariableNameH = SomeVariableName-Height

D = Depth, SomeVariableNameD = SomeVariableName-Depth


When seeing X,Y,Z as a variable name or on the end of a variable name - then the variable is referring to:

X = Axis X location, SomeVariableNameX = SomeVariableName - X Axis (location / coorindate)

Y = Axis Y location, SomeVariableNameY = SomeVariableName - Y Axis (location / coorindate)

Z = Axis Z location, SomeVariableNameZ = SomeVariableName - Z Axis (location / coorindate)


Gap - the thickness of the drawer sides

For left, right, front, back - the reference is you facing the drawer handle


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Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine

Sample Issue

Drawing Techniques

Page #3