Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine

Sample Issue

3D Humor

Page 9


Hey Fred,

Do you think we can make it if we hit the nos?.


Fred & Joe are late for their firewood delivery. Little did they know where would be a pontoon canoe with a very slim and tall flag at the draw bridge. 


I'm pretty sure we can because you left our firewood on the side of the bridge. Did you paint the tires yellow again??

The Inspiration

At first I was going to have the trailer full of wood behind the behind the truck - thus the need for the nos, however, I figured that forgetting the firewood was nearly as humorous. I had to come up with a way for the truck to see seen so I figured that Joe would have painted the tires yellow so their truck would show up against the dark road way. The tiny canoe with pontoons topped it off with its extra tall flag for such a small boat. If you click on the image to show the large version - more detail is available.

Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine

Sample Issue

3D Humor

Page 9