Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine - Inaugural Issue

Solar Systems

Let one day you feel like Earth is getting a bit cramped and you want to expand your horizons. The  universe doesn't exactly come with a "You are here!" - so in light of that aspect, lets make our own map in case you want to do some exploring.


As you can see below, we have our own solar system laid out below. Starting with the sun we work our way out to Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and the theoretical planet X (Nibiru) according to Zecharia Sitchin which has a 3600 year elliptical orbit. Lately astronomers are become more convinced that there is another planet in the distance reaches of the solar system - so when you are planning your route for gas stops - think ahead.


When designing a solar system here are some of the things you have to think of: Scale, texture, moons, rings, rotational position, circular vs. elliptical orbits, mass, temperature, binary or trinary systems, placement in the galaxy and many more characteristics of a vacation destination.

Orbital Rings

For the orbit rings a torus is being used. As the radius increases so will the # of your slices need to increase.


Moons will need to be grouped with the planets

A possible indication of intent

Stars have a life time. As they run out of fuel they will expand before they explode and their planets will be pulled into the sun and eventually be destroyed. That is why we find hot Jupiter's orbiting very close to their star. You must view creation from 2 different points. We often think of sin entering the universe when Adam & Eve ate the fruit - but that can't be because Lucifer was here before they were and at some point before Adam was created, Lucifer became Satan, so sin entered the universe a long time ago whereas sin entered the earth when Adam sinned (not when Satan entered the garden to temp him, because up until the point of eating the fruit, Adam still had the authority so sin had no foot hold. When sin was found in Lucifer, after a time, the earth became without form and void, but when God performed the makeover of the earth the earth was "Cleaned" so to speak.


So its possible that's God's intent was never for us to stay in one place. Look at the tower of babel. He wanted mankind to spread out over the whole earth. Its not much of a stretch to think that he wanted us to eventually spread out over the entire universe as well. If stars only had a finite amount of fuel, then eventually we would have to move every 5 million years or so before the star ran out of life. Some stars are larger so they may last longer but moving often is still the same concept. You may think that 5 million years is not often but in the span of eternity, its just beyond tomorrow. There is some kind of time in the final creation of the universe because the phrase is used, "in the ages to come, he might show his exceeding  kindness towards us - so even though we don't age, there is some kind of time marker and its possible that the rest of the stars may continue to burn out and new ones still be born.


I can't prove this yet, but its a plausible hypothesis.

Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine - Inaugural Issue