Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine - Inaugural Issue

Snoqualmie, WA

Many years ago I was attending a church in Snoqualmie, Wa. I remember the preacher talking about the parable of the talents. In short, you could summarize the message as do something with what you have to make a difference - or at least that was the message that arrived in my ears. At the time I was working in Seattle as a software engineer. As local people know, parking is a challenge in the Emerald city. I had a long commute from a town at the base of Snoqualmie pass and I used to love arriving in Seattle around 6 am when the air was still and the seagull's were calling. Many times I would park around 25 blocks away from my office building and start the long walk to work.



During the 25 block walk I would notice so many people on the Seattle streets that were homeless and struggling just to stay alive. After hearing the message at church, I made a couple sandwiches and would take them with me in the morning's. For the first couple of days, I had absolutely no success whatsoever in giving them away, but I pressed on. I put a scripture on a mailing label on the side of the sandwich bag. I figured that I wouldn't push God on them, but just love them by giving them the food and letting them ask if they wanted to know more. Soon I was making a lot of sandwiches everyday and people would come looking for me. There were a few folks that I was able to pray with but I let God do the work. After awhile I would tape forks to ravioli cans with pull tops and bring canned drinks as well. The thing I began to realize is that these people needed hope. In proverbs 13:12 it says, Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. A sick heart cannot function at its full potential. At the time I was able to meet a daily need, but not fix the core situation.

I spent about a year in Florida. I was talking with one of the pastors at a church I was attending and he would tell me stories about going to Uganda and seeing people suffering in the ditch. My response was, you are taking a bible with you (which is good),  but take a periodic table with you also.

As you read Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine - you may wonder what the sources  of the ideas are for - Bohr models, firewood processing methods, and other technology. The reason I said take a periodic table with you also is that if you know what your core ingredients are then you know what you can make out of them that the people of the area may not have realized. Many of their answers might be "laying" on the ground all around them. The first part of Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.

A two fold plan

As you prepare the technology to go to other countries, practice at home as well. As you hand out food and drink with scriptures, you provide a way of escape for the people you are helping.  Find a large piece of land and create an environment where they can jointly work to get out of their situation. I can tell you from personal experience its hard to change where you are. For a long time the situation has been such and your brain and thought patterns have been molded into routines and it requires major effort to get enough faith inside of you to change your daily circumstances. When possible, create a way of escape for people so that once they are in a different environment and mindset, they can begin to make the required adjustments (with help) to prevent them from getting trapped into hard circumstances of life again. How about finding 160 acres where this can happen?

On the 160 Acres

Imagine a setup along the lines of cowboy bunk houses but that provide a more suitable living conditions. There will be a firewood processing area both to heat the "bunk houses" and to be for sale in order to buy supplies that the technology is not available yet to manufacture. There will be a place to plant crops (hay, tomatoes, corn for bio-diesel, etc.), a repair shop to fix up old vehicles from junk yards and then either sell them or use them to work on the land or for just basic transportation. There would be computer lessons ranging from general operation to 3D & math classes. Given the right environment, people can express their talents that have been suppressed for a long time.

Networking with Churches

After making a list of local churches, give people the opportunity to volunteer as mechanic teachers, counselors, preachers, instructors for software engineering, firewood processing, and a host of other skills to help those who have come out of a city like Seattle and being homeless to build a better life.


Once the once homeless have gone through a program (not so formal that it suffocates you but formula enough to help people change the way they think) and regained hope, they can choose to go back out into the world and become a mechanic, or start a landscaping business using the truck they repaired from the junk yard or they can choose to stay on and help others in need as well. Some may wish to go the Oracle Program program or on the 3rd world road - one of many other opportunities available.

Continuing the  Work

Once the first piece of land is up and running find a second piece of land in another area or another state and repeat the process. As the system grows you can start doing the same thing in third world countries or wherever the need was present. Someone has to start with a conceptual design on how this wood work and get the vision on the inside of people who can help. As people start going through the program and decide to stay on and assist others the way they were helped, the system could begin to grow exponentially and the world becomes a better place.

Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine - Inaugural Issue