Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine - Inaugural Issue

3D Art

Page #1

Old West Town

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The Thought Process

Sometimes its ok just to take some time, leave the engineering aside for the moment and enjoy 3D art. Here we have a fragment of an old west town. A train track running through the middle of it. A box car waiting with hay waiting to be loaded. There is transparency in the windows, roofs with posts on the board walk, and a place to tie your horses while you go inside for refreshments.


I really enjoyed creating the train tracks - I liked the way they came out so I included the TrainTracks project above so you could build your own train scenes. In the future I will add some curves and cross pieces to make the set more complete and allow you to build a train yard. I may even include a turn table and some animation in a future issue. As more units of the old west town are built, you could assembly them and design a town as you see fit. If you would like to design your own 3D old west towns and submit it, there is a chance that they might be used in an upcoming issue and you would get credit for it. I used a skew box to create a slanted roof. Leave a comment below for modification ideas you would like to see in other old west town constructions.

Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine - Inaugural Issue

3D Art

Page #1