Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine - Inaugural Issue

When looking at the Mazzaroth each of the constellations represent a tribe of Israel. My theory is, that if Adam hadn't of fallen by eating from the tree, as men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and the earth reached capacity, then once we were able to make use of the rest of the planets in our solar system (maybe terraform Mars, cook hot lunch on Mercury or Venus, and store ice cream on Pluto) then the migration plan may have been for each of the 12 tribes of Israel to head out to their corresponding constellation as a Migration plan throughout the universe. If the Mazzaroth tells the story of the planet earth then maybe the other inhabitable planets out their have their story written by their own constellations. If we had the technology we might be able to look into the future and see what is to come and who is going to be where. What would be even more interesting is to find out if any planets shared a constellation story such as one of the end of the spokes of the wheel being a member of more than one planet. It could be the case where there is a few like that but most are isolated. Since we haven't been able to study every star in our galaxy we have no idea at this point whether there would be a correlation along the same line from galaxy to galaxy - there may be a story there but on a much larger scale. Keep in mind that every star has a name. I'm not talking about just Ursa Major or some other star that you read about in science but of all the millions, and billions and probably trillions of stars in the universe, they all have names. Which means they are very important. Their name may be embedded somewhere in either the structure or the layout of the universe. Maybe you will be the one to discover that!

Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine - Inaugural Issue