Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine

Sample Issue

Woodyard Processing Station

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I used this processing station in real time. It worked pretty good for quite awhile. There is a place stage your rounds as you back up with the truck to unload them and roll them down the lanes. With the splitters in vertical mode you can operate at waste height making it much easier than trying to wrest with the piece on the ground. As you know, the green the wood and the larger the diameter, the difficultly in using a non-elevated vertical split goes up quickly. You'll notice there are only pallets on the top layer. 3D for wood processing has the same requirements as video games. The better your graphics card is, the amount of ram, and your processor (as well as your storage medium) all play a significant role in how well your computer will handle an engineering drawing. In case I used solid brown blocks underneath the pallets to simulate a stack of 4 pallets. This keeps your object count down. A pallet is made up of many 3D objects and the count climbs quickly as your number of stacks increases. That's type of technique is one you can use in your own drawings. Use 1 layer to communicate the indicate, and then put a place holder everywhere else. One of the nice things about this design is when loading a truck, from the side opposite of the rounds, you can walk at tailgate height when loading an F350. If you have 4 foot racks and are hauling 1 cord, then stacking becomes necessary. This drawing can be tweaked many different ways to fit your own particular needs. If you have any comments or would like to submit your own variations of this design submit archived data model folders to

Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine

Sample Issue