Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine

Sample Issue

Split Pit

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For those of you who don't yet have a splitter with a hydraulic lifter, there is another option available. Instead of fighting gravity by going up with your rounds, go down instead. The rounds will be flush to the ground and if they are too large, a peeve can be used to maneuver them.  Once you have your rounds lined up, use a 8-12' 2x2 with a ground spike bolted into the end of it and pull your rounds to the rollers (which are at ground height), then place them flat and roll the rounds to your splitter working at waist height. No more trying to wrench heavy rounds onto the foot of a vertical splitter and burning through your energy before you barely get into the day for an hour.

Split Pit Operation

Split Pit Overview

Rounds are dropped off in the North West corner / left side of the image. They can then we rolled to the powered conveyors to move the rounds to the splitter. In the black area next to the conveyors a picaroon can be used to pull the rounds onto the conveyor. Its useful to have multiple sizes of a picaroons available from 3 feet up to 12. Your split wood can go into a sorting bin or a dump trailer once processed.

Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine

Sample Issue