Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine

Sample Issue

Letter from the Editor


I love 3D!

I love 3D and if your reading this, that probably means you do too! Drawing in 3D is best experienced on a large touch screen. You can easily zoom in and out and move the model so that your primary rotation vector is exactly where you want it with the touch of two fingers and followed by a gesture. Even if you are using a standard screen being able to rotate in 3D with a right click of the mouse still puts the content where you can experience it first hand instead of only relying on 2D data, static images, or even animations that only play a single sequence of frames from 1 to X. Nearly all visual software should have 3D capability!

An Excellent Blend

3D can be a mixture of both Math & art. From the artistic standpoint, you start with your base mathematical formulas that draw your core 3D mesh shapes (i.e. Click and add, drag / drop, etc.) and from there you can skew the shape by each individual point to create a new look that the root formula never intended. For engineers and math enthusiasts, you can dynamically compile virtual whiteboard equations and assign those values to both properties and coordinates of your 3D objects giving you the absolute accuracy that you need.

A little of this & a little of that

From humor to poetry to designing your wood yard or dipping into physics, Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine covers a lot of topics. The goal of the magazine is to have interesting articles that make you think, humor in 3D so you can relax for a few minutes, data model products from each article that you can download and use in MathCompiler3D and make modifications yourself, and to build your skill using MathCompiler3D so your concepts can be shared with others. Any math work, will become easier for you issue after issue as you see examples on how to work with each element of equations. With on-line lessons and public projects you can learn how to craft your own 3D worlds, add animations, export graphics for videos, perform equation R & D basic on editable validation rules and much more. MathCompiler3D can do a lot!

How much knowledge do you need?

As with any piece of technology, the more you know, the more you can do. If however, you have never been exposed to 3D before, MathCompiler3D makes it easy to get off the ground and running by being able to click and add a 3D object and then move it by using a 3D axis right in the model. It couldn't be simpler. If you a technical expert in 3D, math, art, and coding - then MathCompiler3D offers direct C# integration into your project. The combination of math syntax + direct C# injection allows you to operate at a super math level and also create 3D dynamically at runtime. As we approach the release version of MathCompiler3D, you will be able to build a foundation Wpf 3D and Math library that you can export into your own Wpf 3D application, write your own code on top of those libraries, and then return to adjust the 3D and the math continuing with your project. This will be a developers dream and it will take software development out of 2D isolation and make 3D become standard. If you don't care about the nuts and bolts, there is still plenty of functionality that is easy to learn for a regular user.

Go Forth and Create

Read the magazines, download the public projects, share your work with the community, leave comments at the bottom of the web pages, and create your conceptual or engineered designs to your hearts content. No longer be limited by complicated systems that cost an extraordinary amount of money,  but experience the world in 3D, the world of conceptual design, the kind of world we were truly meant to live in!

Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine

Sample Issue

Letter from the Editor