Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine

Sample Issue - Back Cover

Final thoughts

Although conceptual design & 3D is the main focus of this magazine, I want to touch hearts & minds on all levels. That's why I include humor, poetry, faith, art, engineering, and reaching out to those in need. Some of us our "left brained", some "right brained" and some have a combination of the two. Whichever camp you fall into there is alot in conceptual 3D magazine for you.

We hope you enjoyed the free preview the sample issue - Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine.


MathCompiler3D now has inexpensive parametric formulas prebuilt for resizable 3D objects so you can build your 3D world even faster than before.

You can purchase parametric formulas or the password for the Inaugural Issue at the near the top of the Home page or on the Products page.

You can preview the article list by viewing the table of contents here.


If you have any comments or suggestions on subjects you would like to see articles and project on, please leave a comment at the bottom of the page or send a message to

Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine - Sample Issue

Back Cover