Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine

Sample Issue

Lets start with a few interesting facts about Stone Henge. The stones are shaped and positions in such a way that when you are inside of the main circle, sound cancellation is at work so that whatever is happening on the inside can't be easily heard on the outside (parabolic microphone excluded of course). 

Building Stone Henge in 3D

There are 3 approaches you can take to construct stone henge.

  • Individual manual stone placement and rotation - (Time consuming)
  • Individual manual stone placement and rotation by target equation (better - but still time consuming)
  • Full dynamic 3D plot with C# - (not a bad method but this would be more for making multiple stone circles of different sizes)
  • Use the encircle functionality on the Selected 3D Tab - (This is the fastest method and probably the best choice for this project)


There are 30 vertical sarsens in the main circle of circle of stone henge and 30 lintels that span the gap between the sarsen's.

Stay tuned for part 2

Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine

Sample Issue