Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine

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3D Faith

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Your answer may be in the Vanity

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Foundation Scriptures

Genesis 12:1 - Now the Lord had said unto Abram, get thee out of they country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will show thee:

2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Stepping out in Faith

Have you ever had the leading of the Spirit validate what seems like a huge change - should be a step of faith you should take. For example: In Genesis 12:1 Abram didn't have much to go on. There wasn't an initial instruction of head North, South, East, or West. He didn't know the climate he would end up in, where he was going to live or what he was going to do plus a lot of other unknowns not mentioned here.


I was in a similar situation where I had been talking about making a 2000 mile trip. The difference was, I knew where I was going, but I didn't have a complete plan about when I arrived, where I was going to stay, or where provision would come from, yet I checked in my spirit and I received confirmation that it was the right thing to do. So I packed up, and a few days later I arrived.

Areas of Strength

All of us have different areas that we are strong in. Some of us can survive in the wilderness with little to no tools, some can give a speech to an entire audience, and some can tame a tiger in a circus.

Areas of Weakness

All of us have different areas that we are weak in. Some of us have a hard time making business phone calls, others of us have a tough time believing in ourselves or struggle with low self-esteem in certain areas.

The Situation

Staying in a hotel when I first arrived there were some cold nights and not adequate covers. Some heating systems can either roast you or freeze you. I won't go into excessive detail but when it comes to areas of weakness, sometimes I have a hard time asking for things that I have a right to have. For a long period of time I had tried to train myself to endure through hardships thinking I was becoming stronger as person. The process back-fired on me and life became more and more difficult. After a period of time I finally worked up the courage to ask for two additional blankets and it made a lot of difference in a good nights rest. Now some of you may say, "what? - a problem asking for blankets??? but that's so easy!" Keep in mind that I may be good at the thing that you struggle with the most, and what I struggle with the most, may be a thing of ease for you.

A few days later

A few days later I was looking around the hotel room and happened to open the drawers in the vanity. Lo & behold, there were two blankets. All that time, I was cold, struggling with the issue, and the answer was 2.5 feet away. After that I slept with 4 blankets (even better than 2).

The Point of the Story

The point of this story is simple - Your answer might be in your vanity (meaning furniture similar to a dresser made of wood).


I could have used 2 Timothy 1:7 and not had the spirit of fear but I did not think of it at the time. We all need friends to remind us of the simple things that we miss so easily.


What kind of challenges are you facing that might be causing you to be in fear? Stop - take some time to look around. The provision for some of the problems you are dealing with my be so much closer than you think and you don't have to suffer while you are overcoming a fear that keeps you from your answer.

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Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine

Sample Issue

3D Faith

Page #1