Trading Token Monopoly:

If you have all trading tokens of a single resource, you are granted 1:1 trading.

If you have half of ? 3:1 you are granted 2:1 trading and receive the ? 2:1 trading token.

If you have all of ? 3:1 you are granted 1:1 and receive the Golden trading token.

If the structure on the port you own is conquered, you must relinquish your trading token to the victor.

Brick 4:1

Logs 4:1

Wheat 4:1

Ore 4:1

Sheep 4:1

Oil 4:1

Fish 4:1

? 4:1

Brick 3:1

Logs 3:1

Wheat 3:1

Ore 3:1

Sheep 3:1

Oil 3:1

Fish 3:1

? 3:1

Brick 2:1

Logs 2:1

Wheat 2:1

Ore 2:1

Sheep 2:1

Oil 2:1

Fish 2:1

? 2: 1

Brick 1:1

Logs 1:1

Wheat 1:1

Ore 1:1

Sheep 1:1

Oil 1:1

Fish 1:1

? 1: 1