Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine - Inaugural Issue

For those of you who are fans of Star Gate - Atlantis you may remember and episode where they found a room with a computer console that ran what seemed like simulation game for culture development on a planet. They would choose crops to plant (potatoes), where to dig wells, pursue certain scientific studies to enhance the village, etc. The "game" would update and show the development of the simulated culture. At some point in the story they realized that the simulation was a real-time update from satellites orbiting a distance planet where there were actual villages with actual people. These villages had a computer roughly the size of a medium pool-table top,  as a flat touch screen that they could walk around and the residents thought the touch screen was the way their "Oracle" or "god" in this case, was communicating with them to give them instructions on how to live. So as the crops, well locations, and the scientific suggestions came across subspace, the village would implement those changes. Whereas I have no desire to take on the roll of an Oracle or "god" for a village, and I am not going to posted my image on their flag, the root of the idea presented in this scenario was quite interesting. 

Closer to reality

Coming back a litter closer to reality, how could you do this in our time (without the super advanced technology) and help people? Clearly we only have just enough tech to get to mars with rovers and we have sent a few probes that are working on passing out of the end of the solar system (I say it like this because scientists keep finding that the solar system is larger than anticipated) so clearly (even if there is another civilization or village out there) that is out of technological reach for the moment. How about through a 3rd world country? 

Imagine this: fly to parts of Mexico, Africa, Haiti, parts of South America, the Corn Islands (lots of different candidates) and put up an air conditioned (computers don't like heat) building (here is the first power requirement) with a "table top touch screen" as well as other computer setups and hook up satellite internet access (perhaps Star Link would be a good candidate). Then, publish a web site with 3D modeling software and downloadable information that the people could use to improve their lives. Salt water filtration, book case designs, irrigation systems, wind mills and solar, "table designs" for village meeting hall, and the designs are endless (all being of parametric design so that the same formula could be used for more than one purpose). Travel back and forth to the 3rd world countries and teach 3D design and programming to some, manufacturing to others, and impart whatever knowledge you can to them.

The Prime Directive

But you say hold on now what about the concept of the prime directive (since the article started with science fiction). If you give an under-developed country massive technology without interpersonal & spiritual growth, they would mis-use the power at some point. Well, this is true enough. The way to solve this is to put God into the equation. send a preacher, send Bibles, and send the tech, but as I mentioned, don't just send, go personally as well so that the love is both seen and shown.

The freedom to choose

Instead of saying plant this crop, and irrigate using this method, a different approach would be taken. The ideas would be presented as this is the technology that is available - you chose. You could send a scout team of scientists and specialist to take inventory of what's available and make some recommendations but ultimately it would be the peoples choice. That way there is no danger of any level of authority misuse. Some of the concepts and plans would have to be studied by the villages in order to gain enough knowledge to implement the ideas - others would be step by step instructions on how to build the widget.


That's not to say that the people in this country are not smart - I don't mean that at all, but there is knowledge that even the smartest of us has not come across or been exposed to. Often times, presenting information in a different can trigger ideas in a whole new way. What is it they say, that even the greatest swordsman in the world can be disarmed if someone uses a technique that he never learned. The idea is to pool the knowledge and give the people in the 3rd world country some tools (both physical and intellectual) they might not have available and help them help themselves with some support.

Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine - Inaugural Issue