Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine - Inaugural Issue

3rd Rock from the sun

Did you ever watch 3rd rock from the sun? Its not the show that I am interested in but the name. In Ezekiel 28:14 in the last phrase of the verse, its says, "thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire." In verse 13 of the same chapter it talks about Lucifer being "covered" with all kinds of precious gems and it sounds like he had musical instruments built right into his structure. Being made of gems though is not the same as walking up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. The stones of fire are a location that is somewhere. As I have spent time thinking about these stones I reflect back to the canopy theory and I wonder if the earth from a distance had a shine to it. There "seems" to be ruins on Mars - possible pyramids and potentially other artifacts. Someone may have been there a long time ago. Perhaps an anointed cherub that covereth? Carl Munck didn't some interesting mathematical work with objects on Mars that answered the locations of those ancient sites on earth (like Poverty point) - evidence of some type of occupation.


We have a possibility of a missing planet called Rahab between Mars and Jupiter where the asteroid belt is. Even if there is not enough mass in the asteroid belt to make up a planet - depending on the level of explosion perhaps the rest of it was vaporized. I would find it interesting to investigate the asteroids and see if there is even the minutest bit of evidence of a civilization so long ago (just like Antarctica, even with the ice, there must be some trace left).

A Canopy? - (The actual fire as artistic license)

I can't prove it yet, but if most of the planets had a canopy around it, perhaps they shown like fire (although I am not sure how this would work on the gas planets).

An Obelisk?

On of the moons of Mars some photos look like there is an obelisk on Phobos. Possible evidence of at least an outpost or relay station or something. 

Stay tuned for part 2

Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine - Inaugural Issue