Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine - Inaugural Issue

3D Art

Page #6

Warehouse Art

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Creating the scene

I felt that it was important to be able to see the pallets of boxes in the trailers. The trailers needed shiny hubs to add realism. The dock is a cement platform for driving a forklift on. I worked in a giant warehouse for 5 years a long time ago - I'll leave the company name out - but part of their shipping system looked like you see in the image. All the pallets had scannable labels so that you could track using hand scanners which product was loaded into which truck to ensure accurate shipping. I always thought you should take this shipping system to the next level and put RF Id's onto the pallet so that you would never misplace material. Then the scanning of the product would be obsolete, because once the pallets were loaded into the truck, you could find their physical location and electronically call the truck loaded. If you have to top load and break down the pallets to fit more into the truck, then some more thought my need to be put into the system but its a place to start. Perhaps the RF ID could be put into the cardboard box instead of the pallet and then you have solved the problem we just created. In a future edition I will draw the storage system where these pallets were kept so you can see both ends of the process before they arrived at the staging dock.

Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine - Inaugural Issue

3D Art

Page #6