Please note that this "Old World Expansion" which is compatible with Catan has no affiliation with the makers or sellers of catan,

their expansions, catan universe, or any of the catan gaming systems.

Rows / Columns
Row #1 (11) 3 5 11 6 7 5 4 12 9 3 6
Row #2 (12) 12 12 4 10 10 4 10 3 3 2 12 5?
Row #3 (13) 3 7 5 4 10 11 6 7 9 ? 6 7 8
Row #4 (14) 2 11 6 9 10 10 9 11 6 (All) ? 11 4 9
Row #5 (15) 6 10 8 8 4 6 11 8 4 3 3 4 5 7 8
Row #6 (14) 9 3 8 7 2 10 9 4 5 2 8 (All) 3 5?
Row #7 (13) 2 9 6 4 6 6 5 9 11 8 7 (All) ?
Row #8 (12) 2 2 7 4 7 2 9 9 4 3 ? ?
Row #9 (11) ? 12 8 4 4 5 12 7 9 3 12

Thursday Sept 5 - 2024

In this game a new life-time achieve for both victory points and single turn resource harvest.  Gold scored 9146 victory points.  Gold also had 252 war elephants (life time record) and 1 caravan with 252 camels (life time record) not show on the image in the left. Gold owned 3 fully maximized hexes with stone henge +  lintels + towers of babel.


Blue owned 12 hexes at various stages of development. Blue received the longest road at a length of 58 sections.


The digital version of the game will be posted in the near future.

Updates for Friday August 30 - 2024

Great Walls can be upgraded to from roads

Great Walls cost 25 Ore and 25 Brick

Great Walls cannot be crossed by a road or a camel

Rafts cost 20 log resources

Boats costs 50 log resources

Roads now upgrade to Hex Walls which in turn upgrade to Great Walls

If great walls are placed along the coast, you cannot access the land by raft or boat

An enclosed area of Great walls is called a kingdom

Great walls inherit the functionality of hex walls which in turn inherit the functionality of roads

Updates for Friday August 23 - 2024

Lintels for stone henges will be individual structure upgrades from which you will earn victory points.

Lintel cost can be found in the angle structures page.

Lintel Bonus is 10 resources per lintel.

Road points have been increase from 1/10 of a point to 1/2 a victory point.

Center Structure Modifications

Palace Bonus + 6

Obelisk Bonus + 15 + 6

Pyramid Bonus + 25 + 15 + 6

Great Pyramid Bonus + 50 + 25 + 15 + 6

Tower of Babel Bonus + 100 + 50 + 25 + 15 + 6

** Coming in the future - you will be able to download this board in a software package, rotate it in 3D, and even play the game **

Updates for Friday August 16 - 2024

Game highlights

High Score: 6214 Victory Points - Life time record!

Largest Caravan: 200 Camels - Life time record!

Largest Armies: 200 War Elephants - Life time record!

This is the approximate map of the Number tokens - question marks are where camera angles failed or the number token was covered.

Rows / Columns
Row #1 (11) 3 7 7 3 ? 4 8 5 10 ? 3
Row #2 (12) 3 4 4 11 6 6 8 3 6 7 5 7
Row #3 (13) 10 7 2 7 7 6 9 9 5 11 3 4 2
Row #4 (14) 11 6 3 8 8 4 ? ? 10 4 ? 11 11 4
Row #5 (15) 4 6 5 ? 10 12 ? ? ? 6 8 ? 2 3 6
Row #6 (14) 2 9 8 11 10 10 ? ? 10 9 7 11 5 12
Row #7 (13) 7 ? 12 ? 1 8 3 7 8 3 4 4 8
Row #8 (12) 8 9 3 10 2 7 9 2 3 5 5 2
Row #9 (11) 8 5 9 (7,11) 7 4 2 ? (All) ? 2

Cost of a walled city has been increase from 9 to 10 resources: 3 fish, 3 oil, 4 ore - This has been done for ease of calculation when upgrading

Cards for Universal resources are being tested

Time Limits will be imposed on turns - 4 minutes (this includes harvest, trading and builds) which will allow for at least 15 turns an hour

Center Structure Modifications

Palace Bonus + 6

Obelisk Bonus + 15

Pyramid Bonus + 25 

Great Pyramid Bonus + 50

Tower of Babel Bonus + 125

Startup Modifications

Instead of every player getting to place 4 roads and 4 settlements each player will be given 8 logs, 8 brick, 4 sheep & 4 Wheat - which they can play as desired.

Note: This web page is intended for horizontal viewing on a Smart Phone - but it can be used as a regular page as well.

These set of web pages are created by someone who loves the game, but wanted to remove the limitations the "10" victory ports

and take this game to unimaginable heights.


At the time of this writing my single turn record resource harvest is 2400 resources and my record for total victory points in a 6 hour game is 2133 VP.


So if you know anything about Catan at all, your eyebrows should be raised right at this point. As you can gather, "The Old World" expansion rules give tremendous capabilities. Each week new features are added to the game. I make most of my own pieces out of wood but premade objects like camels & elephants are out of custom crafting reach until such time as a CNC machine comes into the picture.


In the near future videos about the making of this expansion set will be published on this site. I will tell you how I made the pieces, where I bought the material and anything else that is related. I hope you enjoy the content provided and may your catan games not be limited to 10 points!

(History of changes from week to week can be found at the bottom of the page)

** The Old World **

Extreme Expansion Rules

Welcome to the extreme expansion edition for settles of Catan.

Here you find resource costs and descriptions of the types of structures that can be constructed.

For those of you who are not familiar with Settlers of Catan - Catan is a hexagon island that is made up of hexagons. Each inner hexagon represents a land type and produces resources. A forest hex produces logs, a field hex can produce wheat, a pasture hex can produce fish, a quarry can either produce brick or ore depending on the type, a water hex can produce fish or oil.

For initial placements at the beginning of the game, settlers will start by placing two roads and two cities

each for a total of 4 placements (8 pieces).

Each settler will receive the resources of the hex from where their structure is built.

Development Guide & Codes

In this web page development guide you will see formulas for resource requirements. The table below will give the definition of the components of those formulas.

Hex Set

Code Description
Hr Hex Resource
L# Level 1-10
D Number of dots on a hex dice roll #

Hex Descriptions

Hex Description
Sheep Used for development cards and settlement construction
Wheat Used for development cards and city construction
Brick Used for roads and settlement construction
Logs Used f or roads, settlements, gates, capitals and the tower of babel
Ore Used for development cards, cities, ancient cities, standing stones, obelisk, stone henge, pyramid, great pyramid, and tower of babel
Oil - 9 Used for Walled City
Fish Used for a walled city and tower of babel

Updates for Friday August 9nd - 2024

General Changes:

Hex gates / walls have been moved from expansion ideas to the Hex Angles purchase page

Camels can travel from Obelisk to Obelisk without costing wheat / distance.

Friday Nights game:

Longest Caravan - 25 points

Largest Army - Battle Rules (not Dev Card Knights) - 25 Points

Most Ports - 25 Points

Most War Elephants  - 25 points

Obelisk Point Value has been adjusted

Physical Game Improvements:

Oil cards are being "laminated" - this will remove the stickiness and allow the cards to slide easily

Oil cards now have 500,1000, 5000 & 10000 denominations

A gold pen has been added to write quantity numbers on the cards

Testing a prototype laminated card for Gold, Silver & Copper

Laminated fish cards will be available

Quest / Event Cards have been added

Website Improvements:

Purchase table has been added to Hex Center Page for additional number tokens

Oil card inventory has been added

Proposed Rules:


Concepts to Explore:


Updates for Friday August 2nd - 2024

Main web page has been divided into 11 separate smaller pages to group content and help make information easier to access.

Sections include: Off Hex (purchases), Hex Angle (purchases), Hex Corner (purchases), Hex Center (purchases), Caravans, War Rules, Universal Upgrades, Trading, Cards and expansion ideas.


Tonight's game:

Missing information on the trading page has been added.

Stone Henge cost has been reduces from 40 to 30 resources on the Hex Center (purchases) pages.

Tonight's game will focus on experimentation with new rules.


Proposed Rules:

Hex Walls / Gates

Hiring the Robber

Caravan Enhancements - Merging and unmerging caravans, camels can travel from obelisk to obelisk

Use a Raft / Boat to circle the outside of an the island - cost of fish

Industrial Road + 1 hex resource per industrial road

Guarded road - comes with a knight

Quest / Event Cards

Buying sea-life attractions for a port / adding a number to a port

Owning a vault gives you the right to roll 3 dice and then choose your resource harvest from 2 of those dice

Concepts to Explore:

Requirements for turning an ore hex into a Gold mine

Resource for Gold Exchange

Purchasing soldiers

Underwater stone henge

Ocean oil drilling platforms

5 Pathways for Hex Expansion:

     Fort Hex - produces soldiers

     Amphitheater / Colosseum - Entertainment, hanging gardens

     Philanthropist - Produces universities, card 1 pts

     Energy Produce - Stone Henge, pyramids...etc

     Sky Cities - on pillars