Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine

Sample Issue

Drawing Techniques

Page #1

Ladder in hole approach #1

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Here we are attempting to draw the ladder in the hole. Often times the ladder is stretched from the bottom to the top of the hole.

That will come in a later edition. Scroll down to see the construction method.

Construction Method

There are 23 items in this 3D model. There are 9 pieces per ladder for a total of 18. There are 5 3D objects that make up the hole.

Item #01 [Floor]: Box Mesh

Item #02 [Lower Brick Layer]: Box Mesh - with the top and bottom faces turned off

Item #03 [Tube around first Brick Layer]: Tube Mesh

Item #04 [Upper Brick Layer]: Box Mesh - with the top and bottom faces turned off

Item #05 [Tube around upper Brick Layer]: Tube Mesh

Items #6 - #23: Box mesh for the ladders

Construction Results

This looks ok, but our chosen mesh's have a limitation of not being able to hold a rectangular shape. This is not the limitation of the Box mesh, but of the Tube mesh. Before I am done with this series I will add the feature to MathCompiler3D for tube scaling and another pass at this model will be made. A common rendering of the ladder in a hole is built with a rectangular shape as it shows the perspective better.

Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine

Sample Issue

Computer Furniture

Page #1