Why was I born
In this period of time
Where the essence of honor lays to waste
And the concept of righteousness
Earned without grace
Being brought to you on a plate
I should have fought dragons
Crumbled turrets by gaze
Leaving foes in the dust and the mist
And traveled by horseback
To a faraway place
To give, a maiden, a kiss
But I was planned for a reason
With unique gifts to give
At a more future site
And the desires waylaid
Of where I thought I should be
Fade off, in a cloud, of what’s right
The Inspiration
I first wrote this poem a long time ago and although I didn't remember every verse, I felt like the original intention was complaining. Lately, with things I have learned in life, that was no longer acceptable to me. I modified this version to expression the emotion but focus on what and who I was created to be.