Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine

Sample Issue

A Trailer assembly you can rotate


Just like the wood rack in the previous article, here is a hiearchy based trailer that you can rotate.

Rotate Z = 0

Rotate Z = 45

Rotate Z = 123.75

Rotate Z = 213.75

Hierarchy Screen Shot of the H(ierarchy) Trailer

Imported Hierarchy Trailers

As of version V1.1.971 exported hierarchy's can be imported

Imported Trailer Hierarchy Structure

Importing Flat Exports into a Hierarchy - V1.1.972

Before the advent of being able to render 3D models in a hierarchy using MathCompiler3D - exports were rendered in a flat file format (which is still supported). You may however, want to import your 3D flat files into a 3D hierarchy structure. Now when using the World tab on the Ribbon in the Hierarchy Nodes group via the import button, select the node in your hierarchy tree that you wish to import at and your flat 3D will be imported into the hierarchy 3D structure as shown in the image below.

The Airplane World world node at the top is the node you add using "Add Node" on the World Tab in the Hierarchy Nodes group. In the same group when you clicked on the Import button, and selected the Airplane.xml file, then the flat 3D model of the Airplane is imported under Airplane.xml. Now you can rotate your entire airplane as a whole as well as duplicate your airplane with F9 when Airplane.xml is selected.

Renaming your flat 3D model geometry

The next step is to go through an name your assembly components

Creating Groups

In the image below you will see that the Hierarchy has been sorted into 2 groups. This will give you the ability to move either set of the double wings forward or backward. To make that adjustment - select the "Long Double Wings" group icon, Press F7 to display the X, Y, & Z axis and then slide them in the desired direction.

Sliding the Wings

In the image below, the wings have been moved in an overexaggerated fashion so that the change can be easily seen.

Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine

Sample Issue