Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine - Inaugural Issue

A Hidden Message

A message through time has been the hardest concept for me to wrap my head around. If you have seen the video revelation of the pyramids it talked about an ancient civilization sending a message in stone through time to warn us who are in the future. There are legends that say that either Adam or Enoch commissioned two monuments through time to warn people - one if the world was destroyed by water and another if by fire. The interesting thing is I have only heard of this legend once. It may be true but usually there are at least a fair amount of breadcrumbs you can follow on a subject as big as this. One possibility is that the story or the evidence was passed down by word of mouth instead of a written format. Noah's flood would have taken care of most of the evidence except for large stone monuments. We live in a world where good and evil are constantly at war. I have a hard time believing that the "dark" side would ever warn future humans of impending catastrophe. Evil is not always logical. Take the example in the Bible (Mark 9:14 - 29) where Jesus heals the boy possessed by a spirit who often would throw him into the fire or the water to kill him. To me, the action of the demon does not make logical spirit. The demon is a disembodied spirit of a giant from Genesis 6 which died in the flood. If this demon doesn't have a physical body, then we don't have power to operate in the earth unless a human gives it to him - then if I was a demon (and I assure you I am not), I would be thrilled to have a body where I could express myself in the natural 3D world. Now keep in mind that demon possession is awful, and I am not making light of it. I'm just trying to illustrate a point. Based on that concept, that's why I said that I have a hard time believing that the dark side would warn anybody - current or future. 


There might be one exception. If I was a master of deception I might construct and elaborate scheme to deceive you. If the stakes were high enough, then I might go to extraordinary lengths to consider to secure my own interest. In the world of software development there is a description of the stake holders on a team / project. If you are a chicken, then all you are contributing is an egg, but if you are a pig, then it's your bacon that's on the line. While those us who have read the back of the book (meaning the Bible) we know that the devil's bacon is on the line.


Let me back up for a minute. The message sent through time is that the earth goes through cycles of destruction over a 26,000-year period. The heart of the Sphinx (the bump on its chest) points to regular in the Leo constellation which shows where the 26,000-year cycle of the Mazzaroth that the earth goes through due to procession. This message is encoded in the layout of the pyramids and there is a substantial amount of evidence embedded in the archeology.



The End Game

What is the end game? If the Jews don't petition Jesus to come back at the end of the tribulation period, then he won't return in the second coming - so in a sense, the devil still has a chance. Lets take a moment an look at one of his first attempts to prevent mankind from being redeemable. Right before Noah's flood there were only 8 humans left on earth that had pure human DNA that wasn't mixed with fallen angels, animals, or plants. The devil had almost succeeded in preventing Jesus from coming to redeem us. If he had of managed to corrupt the final 8 people, there would have been no line of David, and no savior to pay for our sins. Step forward in time again back to the end game. During the tribulation the Jewish people will go through a worse time than even with Hitler. If the devil can keep them from petitioning Jesus to return the second time (even though those of us who have made Jesus Lord of our lives are in heaven during this time), then the millennial reign of Jesus won't take place while the devil is bound for a 1000 years in the bottomless pit, and he won't be loosed for a season after the 1000 years, he won't be thrown in the lake of get the picture. So the devil would get to stay on the earth and not be subject to eternal death. Weren't we talking about bacon being on the line just a bit ago? I think this scenario qualifies. Ok, now before everyone gets too excited or worried, as I mentioned, we have already read the back of the book, and the dark side doesn't win, although they do create a lot of havoc in the process. The premise I have been try to late out is would the devil go to any length to convince humans that God didn't create them? I think the answer to that is a strong yes (evolution as an example). 

So is it possible that the fallen angles before the flood put this warning into place to deceive mankind during the tribulation? At this point I have to say "maybe." 

The Candidate List

Let summarize our list of candidates for this message through time: fallen angles, Adam, Enoch, Noah, Solomon - I'm not sure there is anyone else who would have the heart or on the flip side, the dark intentions to deceive. Enoch took a journey around all of the planets and other places with angels so he had a mass amount of knowledge that very few people were exposed to outside of reading the book of Enoch - but he experienced it first hand. Enoch only lived 350 years and then God translated with him, because he had this testimony, He walked with God and was not for God took him (this is took in a good way, not a bad way). Adam was extremely smart and had the best genetics of the human race outside of Jesus, so he was operating at a level well beyond what we experience in modern times today. Plus, he named all the animals so that proves he was smart - and after being ejected from the garden - as people began to multiply on the face of the earth, future mankind would have been on his heart.

Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine - Inaugural Issue