Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine - Inaugural Issue

3D Humor

Page 8

I believe in Math!

The adventures of Joe & Fred


Fred, did you use that discount powder again?


Once again Fred is foiled while hunting in the educated deer national forest


No Joe, the deer just knows more math that I do

The Inspiration

Most of us love animals and often they are very funny creatures. In my original ideas for this 3D humor the deer was going to be facing the other way with a sign around his neck that said, "I believe in Math" - with a smile on his face, well, if a deer can actually smile that is. Fred is making a long-distance shot. For those of you who are not as familiar with math, the path of the bullet in the image is based on a parabola, which gravity makes and effect on (like and upside-down curved V) pulling the bullet back down to earth. So, the deer jumps on the rocks so that the curve path of the bullet will fall short onto the ground - therefore, the deer believes in math.

Conceptual Design - 3D Magazine - Inaugural Issue

3D Humor

Page 8